Braving the weather for the February meeting was very rewarding as we heard Dick Curtis tell us some of his experiences flying P-51 Mustangs during World War II. Mr. Curtis had all of our attention as he talked about the strafing runs he was assigned to. He also shared that the Tusakagee Airmen of the 332nd Fighter Group were just down the road from where he was stationed in Italy. While sharing some somber moments that only those who have experienced in WWII can really share, he also had us laughing as he shared his great sense of humor (none of us are convinced the designers of the P-51 meant for the scoop to be used corn harvesting!)

Below are some the pictures Dick Curtis shared during his presentation. Additionally, links are provided at the bottom of this post for the books Mr. Curtis has authored and offered at our meeting. To Haley Norwood – thank you for your assistance in making the arrangements for Mr. Curtis to speak to us and transporting to and from our meeting. Thank you to Mr. Curtis for signing the copies we purchased at our meeting!
The slide show used during the meeting is
posted here.
A reminder from the meeting: Jim Bettner wanted to remind everyone to send in their scholarship nominees as soon as possible. Have the ability to review as many of the application before the deadline is extremely helpful. Thank you!