Location: Marten House, 1801 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260
Date: June 8, 2010
Cocktails: 6:00 pm - Dinner: 6:30 pm - Speaker: 7:00 pm
1st time guest - $10.00
16 or under $10.00
H: 317-877-7777 C: 317-501-8610
Mail to: 107-A Knoll Ct, Noblesville, IN 46062
email: jwbrillsr@aol.com
As the youngest of seven children, John did his early flying by chasing around the house trying to be a part of whatever his older brothers and sisters were up to. He quickly learned that; toy airplanes do not flush well, bee catching is risky business, and dogs pretty much eat anything. However, his favorite pastime was listening to his aircraft mechanic Father’s aviation stories and dreaming about the day when he would be able to fly.
John got his first “hands on” experience in aviation by washing airplanes to earn money for flying lessons. He spent his summers pumping gas to pay for flying lessons, earned his private pilot ratings and graduated from the University of Minnesota.
He has flown a wide variety of aircraft. His commission in the ANG gave him the opportunity to fly C-130 military transports delivering crucial supplies during Operation Desert Storm. John later transitioned from the C-130 into the F-16 “Fighting Falcon” and has completed three combat tours flying F-16’s in Iraq. John has logged more than 2,000 hours at the controls of the F-16, and is assigned to the 148th Fighter Wing in Duluth, MN.
Along with his military career, John began actively training for the long and difficult journey toward becoming a professional aerobatic performer. He was drawn to the world of aerobatics because of the high-degree of concentration and mental toughness it requires. He is a top performer in unlimited class aerobatics, and is recognized as one of the top ten unlimited class aerobatic pilots in the United States.