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Ocotober 2009 - Meeting News
Lt. Col. Todd Lovell with Sam Lazerov. Todd, now Avionics Department Manager for Raytheon Avionics served 21 years on active duty in the U. S. Air Force. His last assignment was commander of the first Osprey squadron. His presentation was rather informal, very informative and very interesting. The questions and answers would have gone on all night if our leader had not put an end to it. A great meeting, Todd! Thank you so much.

Dick Egan (on the left) put together the slate of officers and board members for the next couple of years. You will see a lot of Doug Wagner (on the right) because he will be our president beginning the first of the year. Doug is an experienced meeting manager, having been associated with the Scientech Club for many years.
Roger Bishop (on the left) will be our new Vice President. Roger is with Channel 13 and is the General Manager of the Indianapolis Air Show. He has a wealth of 
new and great ideas to help re-invigorate the Indianapolis Aero Club. On Roger’s left is Mike Souders and his wife Debbie. Mike is working with Sam Lazerov developing meeting plans. We are hearing rumors about a full year meeting calendar.
New member, Don Alsop came with Bill King. Don was an Aero Club member in the past and attended when he was not in China or Canada or Oklahoma or some other exotic destination. It will be good to have him back.